The Dandelion Is A Weed

By Neoma Archer

Spring is one of the four seasons and there are plenty of people who would choose spring over the others. According to them, spring is about hope. Spring is also a miracle. This is because they say that after the cold months of winter, spring brings everything around you back to life. That is some kind of magic and that is what spring has the ability to do. This is season is about bringing back all those plants from hibernation and make them alive once more.

The dandelion is one of the plants that springs back to life when the season comes around. It is known for its beautiful flowers. And then there is that part which lawn owners or garden owners hate - when the plant chooses to live in their gardens or lawns. The dandelion to them is a weed and spring is when they are at its peak. This weed comes with broad leaves and has yellow flowers and is known as a perennial weed.

The dandelion is said to be beautiful. But did you know that it hides something beneath the beauty that we see? What it is hiding is its taproot. It is a fleshy one and it has the capacity to go really deep. This is why many lawn and garden owners hate having this weed growing in their piece of land. Taking it out by hand is going to be quite a task. Plus, this weed also has yellow flowers that turn to seeds when it matures. The seeds are then spread by the wind so the chances of the weed growing again next spring is still there.

Dandelions may look good on your lawn or your garden but if you think that such a weed is just not right for what you had worked on, then you can actually take it out. One of the techniques that most people resort to is to actually pull them out by hand. But that takes quite some time and quite a lot of effort since the taproot really goes that deep down. Now you can also opt to use herbicides for dandelions. You should apply the chemical once every 5 to 6 weeks to do the trick. You will know that it is working when the leaves of the weed start to wither. It may take you around six applications to successfully finish what you started.

If you hate the fact that dandelions may be sprouting in your garden or your lawn any time soon, there are some things that you can do to prevent them from growing in case seeds have found their way in. One is to actually apply pre-emergent herbicide sometime in April so that the seeds do not grow. Or you can also make sure that your lawn is mowed to the second highest so that the grass grows tall and crowded and any dandelion seeds underneath do not get the right sunlight. - 30234

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